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Metal vs. Clear Braces from your Orthodontist in Pittsburgh

September 3, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcartwright @ 2:30 pm

What does my orthodontist in Pittsburgh have you say about metal vs. clear braces?Your social media profile is awash with new pictures. The monthly office Happy Hour felt like a photoshoot at certain points because everyone was snapping pictures with their phones. Amid the crowd of happy faces, the only smile you notice is your own. This isn’t because you are particularly infatuated with yourself, but you’re noticing how crooked your teeth are. The perspective of seeing them in a photo really makes them stand out. You’d like to get them straightened, but you can’t imagine looking at picture after picture of yourself with a mouth full of braces. Aren’t they the most reliable solution though? Dr. Gary Cartwright, your orthodontist in Pittsburgh, wants you to know what your options are for braces. (more…)